
A comprehensive examination is the most important step you, as an owner, can take to ensure your animal’s well-being and long-term health. It is also key in prevention of disease or illness. The information we gather at the initial examination becomes part of their permanent medical history. This data establishes a baseline in which any subsequent changes in clinical signs and symptoms can be assessed. Every complete examination includes evaluating legs, feet, joints, muscles, heart, and lymph nodes. In addition, we will examine the following areas:

  • Ears: inside and out for parasites, abnormalities, and hearing
  • Eyes: check for visual acuity, abnormalities, and related health issues
  • Mouth: teeth, gums, tongue, palate abnormalities and related health issues
  • Heart and lungs: early signs of disease, age-related deterioration and genetic developmental abnormalities
  • Reproductive organs: for developmental abnormalities and related health issues
  • Skin and coat:  general health, abnormalities, and signs of infection or disease
  • Vital statistics: temperature, pulse, heart rate, respiration, and body weight

We recommend your pet receive a yearly physical examination, which is the equivalent of a human going to the doctor once every three years