
With the risk of side effects being low and disease prevention high, we encourage pets to receive annual vaccinations. Vaccines will also protect against zoonotic diseases, which are diseases that can be spread from animals to humans. Rabies is an example of a zoonotic disease. The rabies vaccine is required by law and the certificate expiration varies depending on the city.

Risks from the most recommended vaccinations for pets are minor, including fever, pain, and swelling at injection site. More serious reactions include vomiting, diarrhea, extreme itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing will likely occur within minutes of being vaccinated. While uncommon, this type of reaction can cause death and requires immediate veterinary care.  Not all pets require vaccinations, nor do all pets need all available vaccines.

“Core” vaccines are recommended to protect against the most common and debilitating diseases.

For dogs these include protection from:

  • Canine distemper
  • Adenovirus
  • Parvovirus
  • Parainfluenza
  • Rabies

For cats these include protection from:

  • Parvovirus (Panleukopenia)
  • Herpesvirus
  • Calicivirus
  • Chlamydia
  • Rabies

“Non-core” vaccines are reserved for pets that meet specific criteria.
For dogs, these include protection from Bordetella, Snake, Leptospirosis disease.
For cats, these include protection from Feline leukemia.

At Bear River Animal Hospital, we will consider your pet’s age, general health, lifestyle, and risk of exposure to various preventable diseases. We will then tailor a vaccination program specific to your animals needs.